Assistance to Haitian Initiatives Always

KareDrew Foundation focuses exclusively on assisting Haitian initiatives. Following the 2010 earthquake, heartfelt help for the Haitian people began to arrive worldwide. Medical aid and relief to injured survivors and their families were provided without question. As Americans, we too had access to international aid. We noticed once the immediate crisis passed that our full access continued. However, Haitians’ access had diminished unless accompanied by an American, European, or Canadian. Our organization was founded in response to the disparities we observed.


KareDrew’s mission is to help: Bring electricity to an orphanage, supplement the small income of a physician caring for the poor, repair a roof, and help with school fees, shoes, and eyeglasses. Our parameters are broad, but we strictly adhere to only providing help for efforts initiated by Haitians.

Like parents everywhere, putting food on family plates takes precedence over everything. Parents lay down their heads at night knowing that their children will be hungry by morning, the rent must be paid, there is no money for school fees, and the roof leaks. Empty pockets can’t rattle loudly enough to be heard by those with full purses. Immediate needs leave well-constructed ideas of sustainable solutions to remain merely dreams.

Because four of our board members have spent many months in Haiti, one of them is Haitian, and our Haitian in-country adviser lives there with his family, we’ve learned over the past several decades first to inquire, then to listen and help whenever we can.

One-Time Assistance



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