Education & Agriculture

KareDrew Supports Haitian Education, Healthcare, and Special Needs Through Donations and Partnerships.

KareDrew currently provides some assistance in education for 64 children attending 26 schools. Assistance in one mixed-income community began when political unrest, increased gang violence, storms, and flooding caused more hardship than usual and a steep inflation rise. Requests for help increased: “If we pay our rent and buy food we can’t pay school fees for our children.” KareDrew provides partial scholarships for school fees for about 64 students in grades K through 12. The funds go directly to 26 schools.

Assisting individual families amid the country’s political unrest and continued gang violence is possible in large part because of Fonkoze Bank and its branches located throughout the country. KareDrew can send one wire from our local bank to Fonkoze. We alert Fonkoze of the wire and the total amount. Fonkoze contacted us to acknowledge its receipt and learn how to divide the funds for school fees which would mean deposit into individual school accounts. The fees are never in the hands of the parents so there is no risk of them being seen entering or exiting a bank.

Agricultural Assistance

KareDrew would like to provide a seed stipend to a Haitian man who owns land in northern Haiti. He uses biodynamic farming methods, teaching his neighbors these same principles. For those without land, he has also provided garden plots. So far, KareDrew has provided funds for seeds. We would like to offer more, depending on what is needed.

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