
What Helps Most?

…an orphanage, a physician, and several schools. We can repair a house for a family.
Because four of our board members have spent many months in Haiti, one of them is Hatian, and Tey Michel our in-country adviser is Haitian and lives there with his family full-time.

Our mission is to put food on family plates must take precedence, causing plans to remain as merely ideas and dreams.

Though these parameters are broad, the one criterion to which we strictly adhere is that the help we provide must go toward assisting efforts initiated by Haitians. Decades of experience helping in Haiti have taught us that Haitian ideas and plans often fail merely because their empty pockets can’t rattle loud enough to be heard by those with full purses. Putting food on family plates must take precedence. Plans remain merely ideas and dreams.

Who We Are

What We Do

The Situation in Haiti

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