Who We Are

 KareDrew is an association of volunteers. We have no paid employees.

Francis Fayne

Founding Board Member

A career-long educator in the secondary and collegiate levels of education, Frank has served as a Social Studies teacher and department chair, Reading Specialist, and Adjunct Professor in Education. Research grant opportunities have enabled him to conduct ethnographic research in several countries in South Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean. Before co-founding KareDrew in 2011, Frank was a board member of Diakonos, Inc. a similar non-profit organization serving the people of Haiti.

Joan Fayne

Founding Board member

Joan, a career Mom and artist worked as a Registered Nurse in a regional hospital on Cape Cod in Massachusetts. A lifetime interest in worldwide human rights, high-quality healthcare, and racial and ethnic equality led Joan to serve the people of Haiti. Although not present in Haiti in early 2011 at the time plans for KareDrew were being outlined, when presented with the plan Joan without hesitation, and by phone said “Yes”. KareDrew’s name is in memory of the Tortora’s daughter, Karen, and the Faynes’s son, Andrew

Vivian Tortora

Founding Member & Clerk/Treasurer

Vivian worked numerous part-time jobs while she and her husband, Patrick raised their four children. It was empathy for parents, especially those in the Third World whose children did not have access to the quality of health care available to their family. This awareness led her to take some action and become involved in trying to help them in some way. Haiti was the first opportunity she had to do so, making a lifetime commitment after that initial visit in 1981. Continuing a 20-plus-year interest in organic agriculture, Vivian raises and sells heirlooms and endangered food plants.

Sr. Mary Finnick, GNSH

Founding Member

A Grey Nun of the Sacred Heart, Sr. Mary lived in Haiti from 2005-2012 serving as Director of Matthew 25 House in Port-au-Prince. Before serving in Haiti, she was a nurse educator and retired from SUNY-Buffalo School of Nursing in 2000. From 2000-2002, Sr. Mary was the Facilitator/Coordinator of her community’s Motherhouse in Yardley, Pennsylvania, before departing for Haiti. Since returning to the United States she has continued to serve her community of sisters. She lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Patrick Tortora, SR.

Founding Member

Pat is a graduate of Manhattan College, Bronx, New York. Until his retirement, he was employed as a High School Guidance in a Vocational Technical High School. Pat made his first trip to Haiti in 1981, after volunteering to serve on the board of Diakonos, a small non-profit that was based in Massachusetts. He made several trips to Haiti, including a Human Rights Delegation in 2004. He joined his wife, Vivian volunteering to Open Matthew 25 House a guest house of the Parish Twinning program of the Americas.

Gina Passaro

Board Member

Gina joined the board in 2023. She graduated Worchester State College in Massachusetts with a bachelor’s degree in Communications. With a lifelong interest in healthy well-being, and art, Gina has used her skills to manage two wellness spas. She is currently exploring textile design and screen printing.

Patrick Tortora, JR

Board Member

Patrick joined the board two years ago. A graduate of Johnson and Wales University, He is a self-employed contract chef and caterer. As a son of Patrick and Vivian Tortora, talk of Haiti was a part of his growing up. Patrick has made two trips to Haiti. The second time was after the 2010 earthquake. He assisted the cook at Matthew 25 House/Camp Izmery preparing meals for staff and resident medical and engineering volunteers serving in the area.

Tanis, (Tey) Pierre Michel

In-Country Adviser

Tanis (Tey) serves as our in-country adviser. He was the head coach and director of the soccer program on the field adjacent to Matthew 25. When the field became Camp Izmery Tey became director of the camp. He knew each resident family.

Ricardo Balmir

Founding Member

Ricardo was born in Port-au-Prince Haiti and grew up in Carrefour Haiti. He was the director of the youth soccer program, HOT FOTBAL, based in Delmas, Haiti. The father of three, Ricardo is currently living in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Ricardo says, “I was always interested in helping poor people and I do like kids so much because I think they are the better future of Haiti if they have a chance to get a good education like I did. That’s why I was a founding member of KareDrew. I like our philosophy and also the way we bring our support to the Haitian kids, helping to prepare them for the future.

In Memoriam

James Barry

Founding member ‘Preznt’

As our KareDrew community grows and we continue focusing on the value of each child; of each family, we also know that Jim’s vision will always be a part of ours. Jim, a former Professor of Leadership at the United States Naval Academy, first visited Haiti in 1978 while working on his doctoral dissertation at Northeastern University. He also served as an official election observer. Jim and his wife, Sheila, made numerous trips to Haiti. They took part in many fundraisers; and initiated matching grants to financially assist numerous Haithian-led initiatives, including those currently under the auspices of KareDrew. ‘Mesi, Jim

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